Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tag Books

Starting this today, I'll be posting a card I made when I began crafting at least once a week. I'll write the best and worst things about the card as well as the most important technique I learned from making it! Yeah, these cards are pretty boring- but don't laugh, I just started when I made these! I call these posts Learning Our Lessons- or LOL! Enjoy!

This LOL post is a three-fer. I'll say a quick thing about each of my mistakes!

Blue One...
Best Thing: I like the designs of the individual tag pages (you can't see much of the insides, sorry!).
Worst Thing:The scheme is OK, but I didn't have a matching ribbon! Plus, the flower in the front is too dark.

Pink, Blue, Brown Tags...
Bets Thing: I love the color scheme and layout of these cards!
Worst Thing: I had to hand-cut these birds- luckily, they didn't turn out too badly! I don't like the ruffled edges, and the paper ribbon could have been much neater and more realistic.

Black and White One...
Best Thing: The design of the paper and the layout was beautiful.
Worst Thing: The color scheme stinks- no offense to myself (: The flower could have had a better design, too.

LOL: I learned the valuable lesson having to wait until I have all the supplies I need before creating a tag book inspired from somewhere else!


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