Saturday, August 25, 2012

Welcome to the World!

My aunt's starting a family, and she and her husband are celebrating the health of their three new babies! So, I decided to make them this card and carriage to bring even more merriment!
When I finished the card, I did a super happy dance! Why? Because I had to hand cut the letters, hearts, and picture! I'm happy with the card result, although there's something about that carriage-I think its too close to the sun! LOL!

For the paper carriage, I used paper from Colorbox's Sweet Home pack and pink construction paper. I used tan construction paper for the base of the card (7 by 24 cm, and folded down vertically). For the bottom of card, I used the striped paper form the Sweet Home pack roughly 7 cm. The pack also comes with border paper, which I cut the red HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS strip, and used as a ribbon. For the top half of the card, I cut the word "FAMILY," and other images- careful to leave a border around each image. (Plus, I cut holes in some of the images or letter, as you can see.) For added oomph, I did the folding tape technique (for more info, see "Folding Tape" in Tips) to raise each of the cut images. Hope you and my aunt and uncle will enjoy it! Have a cool (b/c its super hot out where I live) day, and see everyone next post!


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