- has a "sticky" back side, so the mat stays firmly in place on your work surface when you're working.
- has a lightly "rubbery" front so your paper doesn't slide while you work.
- has inches, half, and quarter inches marked out all over the board, so you know exactly how large your paper is.
- has degree markings across the board
- can be used to correctly align a ruler, so you can easily cut/mark a straight line, and know it won't be slanted or something
- has a very durable surface, so you can cut paper on it all you want, and the mat will definitely protect your desk
- about four millimeters in thickness
- Sharp blade that cuts paper easily and mostly smoothly
- you can use it to cut something anywhere on a piece of paper without having to poke a hole around the area or cut the paper from the side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most scrap booking stores also sell replacement blades, blade caps, and knife grips for your convenience, too!
Have a funtastic day!
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