Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Peanut Topped Brownie

Alright, slightly better photo quality. I started out by making a simple brownie with fudge cream. However, then I realized how cute peanuts (or whatever those nuts are called) and decided to add some to the top. I then soaked the charm in a scented oil, and wrapped t in saran wrap until it was time to sell or gift!

                                                       Peanut Topped Brownie


  • Model Magic in Black, Brown, Orange, White
  • Toothbrush and Needle
  • Staple
  • Blade
  • Clear Glue
  • Hot Glue Stick
  • Chocolate Scented Oil
  1. To make the cream on top, no mixing is involved! I used the brown right out of the package! Roll the clay into a ball, and slightly flatten into a slab using the hot glue stick. Mix black and brown in a ratio of 4:5 for the brownie part. Flatten into slab like with the cream. 
  2. Use a blade to cut the brownie part into a rectangle remember to leave some dimension as a real brownie would have. Put the brownie on top of the cream. Use the blade to cut the cream under the brownie- using the brownie as a guild.
  3. Use the needle and toothbrush t give the brownie texture- do not touch the cream, as cream is smooth. While you're texturing, the cream and brownie conform into each other. If it does not, press the cream into the brownie on all sides. 
  4. Put some glue on to the cream. Use your fingers to smear the glue all over it. This will make the cream shiny. 
  5. To make the peanuts, you should only use  1/4 the amount of clay used for the cream top. Mix white, brown, and orange in ratio of 15:4:2. Roll out about 12 to 16 little spheres. Use the blade to individually press into the middle of each peanut so that it will look like a real nut. Put the nuts onto the cream.*
  6. Stick in the staple hook. 
  7. Allow glue to dry before dipping into scented oil, ad allow oil to dry before wrapping.
*I recommend having the creased sides visible so that charm viewers know at all times that you didn't just stick random pieces on the brownie.

I know I've gotten a little lazy with making name tags for all of my charms, but I swear I'll make themm when the requiring time comes! Bye!


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